• Are power struggles with your child both frequent and escalating?

  • Does your child “push your buttons,” making it hard to parent at your best?

  • Are you seeking help and support to better manage and address powerful emotions and situations?

Many parenting workshops and professional resources offer effective, research-based strategies to promote behavioral change. Sometimes these strategies are met with success. However, sometimes parents find that implementation is difficult, especially when a child's response triggers feelings of frustration, anger, ambivalence, or self-doubt.

This four-part workshop is designed to promote resilient and healthy family relationships. Post-workshop services, including follow-up and ongoing sessions, are available for parents and caregivers looking for additional support.

During each session, participants will:

  • Learn to identify patterns of parent-child interactions that lead to conflict

  • Examine how communication breakdowns occur --“it takes two to tango”

  • Understand how children’s behavior can be a reflection of parent behavior

  • Learn self-focused strategies for changing patterns of engagement

  • Develop skills through self-reflection, self-assessment, and feedback from other parents

  • Make connections with, and learn from, other parents

This workshop will introduce participants to concepts and strategies that can be used to build new ways of interacting with their child. Its goal is to create a new awareness and skillset that, with continued practice and reinforcement, will reduce unexpected and challenging behaviors, and increase effective communication and positive relationship building.

Group sessions are limited to 6 participants


Four-Part Workshop Series Fee (four 90-minute sessions)…………………. $325 per adult, $600 per couple.

Please note that registration fees will appear on your credit card statement at DiscoverTDC.

Beyond The Workshop

Maintenance and consistency are critical to lasting and meaningful behavioral change. Upon completion of this four-part workshop, participants can continue to build and reinforce newly acquired skills and behaviors by:

  • Attending as-needed check-ins with the group facilitator

  • Attending ongoing parent coaching sessions.